Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord it is a crying shame

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(disgrace; abashment)
(regrettably; unfortunately; alas; sadly; unluckily); ;
jammer genoeg
; ;
tot onze spijt
(put to shame; abash)
beschaamd maken
(dishonour; besmirch)
te schande maken
(disgrace; affront; dishonour; indignity; ignominy)
🔗 The local priest there had told her family that she had brought shame on them and the community.

it is a crying shame het is godgeklaagd
shame beschaamd maken; beschamen; pech; schaamachtigheid; schaamte; schandaal; schande; schande aandoen; te schand maken; te schande maken