Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord monster

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
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🔗 Responding to the strange piping, a monster in the form of a giant amoeba begins to slither down from the top of the shaft toward Conan.
delicious monster
(fruit salad plant; fruit salad tree; ceriman; Swiss cheese plant; cheese plant; windowleaf; Mexican breadfruit)
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🔗 The monstrous body crashed into him, slamming him against the wall.
(abominable; detestable; ghastly; hideous; horrendous; horrible; horrid; horrifying; odious; forbidding; repellent; repelling; repulsive)
🔗 The predator was a small dragon with furious red eyes and a monstrous fanged mouth.

monster gedrocht; gevaarte; kanjer; misbaksel; monster‐; monster; mormel; ondier; onmens; reusachtig‐; reuzen‐; wangedrocht; wanschepsel
delicious monster gatenplant
monstrous afschuwelijk; gedrochtelijk; misdrachtig; misvormd; monsterachtig; monsterlijk; monster‐; spuuglelijk; wanschapen
sea‐monster zeemonster