Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord movable property

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 Johnson’s moveable position on Brexit mattered less at the time, as this deal only covered how the UK would leave the EU, not the more permanent future relationship.
(estate; farm; ranch; land); ;
🔗 Kimmel told Simmons he went to the resort about six years ago to have dinner with Howard Stern, who lived near the property at the time.
(quality; attribute)
; ; ;
(belonging; appurtenance)

movable property roerend goed
movable beweegbaar; beweeglijk; roerend; tilbaar; veranderlijk; verplaatsbaar
property bezit; bezitting; bezittingen; eigendom; eigenschap; goed; have; landbezit; landgoed; perceel; rekwisiet