Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord noise barrier

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
noise barrier
kontraŭsona bariero
(fence; bar);
🔗 The new deal will remove barriers to EU‐Japan trade, but put some American companies at a disadvantage.
(obstruction; bar)
🔗 The positions of the continents and the connections or barriers between them are major factors that have affected the evolutionary history and geographical distribution of particular groups of dinosaurs.
(ado; din; ballyhoo; ruckus); ; ; ;
🔗 For some time the noises of the village kept him awake, but at last he slept.

noise barrier geluidswal
barrier afsluiting; barrière; boom; controlepost; hek; hindernis; hinderpaal; scheidsmuur; slagboom; sperboom; spoorboom
noise gedruis; geluid; geraas; gerucht; geruis; getier; geweld; herrie; kabaal; lawaai; leven; ruis; rumoer; stennis