Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord pacific

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(Pacific Ocean)
🔗 In fact, many early observers thought that Hawaiian and many other Pacific languages were all dialects of one widespread language: Polynesian.
Pacific emerald dove
Pacifische smaragdduif
pacifika smeralda kolombo
🔗 Russian and Chinese navy ships have been jointly patrolling the Pacific Ocean and holding naval exercises in the East China Sea, the Russian defence ministry said in a statement on Friday.
Pacific red cedar
(giant arbor‐vitae; giant cedar; shinglewood; western arbor‐vitae; western red cedar)
🔗 This is not only an an attack on the Ukraine, but also on European peace.
🔗 Yet, for all the reasons why Africa might want an early end to the war, can the continent play an actual rôle in a peace process?

pacific vredelievend; vreedzaam
Pacific Grote Oceaan; Pacifisch; Stille Oceaan; Stille Zuidzee; Zuidzee‐
Pacific emerald dove Pacifische smaragdduif
Pacific Ocean Grote Oceaan; Stille Oceaan; Stille Zuidzee
Pacific red cedar reuzenlevensboom
pacificatory bedarend; kalmerend; vredestichtend; vredes‐
pacifism pacifisme
peace rust; vrede; vree