Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord parliamentary

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 And since the election results last week that left prime minister Theresa May without a parliamentary majority, that chaos and confusion have intensified.
parliamentary caucus
(fraction; parliamentary group; parliamentary party)
parliamentary group
(fraction; parliamentary party; parliamentary caucus)
parliamentary party
(fraction; parliamentary group; parliamentary caucus)
🔗 Finland was the first country in the world to elect women to parliament, a little over a century ago.

parliamentary parlementair; parlements‐
parliamentary caucus fractie
parliamentary committee kamercommissie
parliamentary debate kamerdebat
parliamentary elections kamerverkiezingen
parliamentary group fractie
parliamentary party fractie
parliamentary train <soort trein ten behoeve van minvermogende reizigers>
interparliamentary interparlementair
parliament parlement; volksvertegenwoordiging
unparliamentary onparlementair