Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord penny wise and pound foolish

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 He felt a little foolish about wanting to reassure himself that Tam was still there, but it was that kind of day.
(meaningless; nonsensical; senseless; silly)
🔗 There they may ask one another foolish questions.
🔗 The pound has particularly struggled, however, and the euro rose to as high as 87.71 pence on Friday, its highest level since February 2021.
🔗 Russia’s currency plunged by about 25% Monday, and one rouble is now worth less than a penny.
🔗 Through his various campaigns, he destroyed 15 tons of books, 284,000 pounds of plates for printing “objectionable” books, and nearly 4,000,000 pictures.
(crush; pulverize);
🔗 The pound’s black market rate has slid to about 57 to the dollar from 39 before the Gaza crisis broke out on October 7.
(thrash; whack; smite; lambaste; bash)
🔗 Liane strode to the door and pounded it with his fist.
(sagacious; sage);
(prudent; reasonable; sensible; far‐sighted; judicious; sound)
🔗 Would it be wiser to wait?

penny wise and pound foolish zuinig op de verkeerde manier
foolish daas; dwaas; gek; idioot; mal; onwijs; stom; zot
penny cent; penning; penny; stuiver
pound aanstampen; beuken; bonken; depot; dierenasiel; dreun; fijnstampen; harde klap; pond; schieten; schuthok; schutstal; schutten; slaan; stampen; stomp; stoten; timmeren op; vergruizen
wise verstandig; vroed; wijs; wijze