Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord pilewort

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(lesser celandine)
(crowd; heap; mass; multitude; accumulation; body; bevy);
(haemorrhoid; rhoid)
(heap; stack);
(amass; heap; pile up; stack; accumulate; collect; gather);
🔗 The longest industrial action in Deutsche Bahn’s 30‐year history will pile more pressure on Germany’s vast manufacturing sector, which is already grappling with high energy costs, supply chain delays, elevated interest rates, and weak domestic and foreign demand.
🔗 Quickly he piled everything outside the door.

pilewort speenkruid
pile aambei; beladen; brandstapel; element; fortuin; gebouw; heien; heipaal; hoop; hoop geld; nop; ophopen; opstapelen; paal; pluis; pool; stapel; stapelen; tas; tassen; zuil