Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord research centre

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(average; mean; middle; midst)
🔗 Inside, baggage was piled in the centre of the floor.
🔗 It would, of course, be difficult to accomplish this without attracting the attention of the guards, and there was a possibility that the centre pole might be set sufficiently far in the ground to render it impossible for him to raise it.
🔗 In April, Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarskij was killed in an explosion at a cafe in the centre of Saint Petersbug, where he was appearing as a guest of a pro‐war group.
🔗 However, the most distinctive feature of Peking, which has decisively affected the formation of Peking’s new middle class, is its peculiar position as China’s political and administrative centre.
(exploration; investigation); ; ;
(examine; explore; investigate; prospect; survey; study; check out);
🔗 If the desire is to read the Deseret alphabet for research purposes, then the first three chapters are all that is needed.

research centre researchcentrum
centre brandpunt; center; centreren; centrum; concentreren; haard; het middelpunt bepalen van; in het midden plaatsen; kern; meldkamer; middelpunt; midden; middenspeler; midden‐; samenkomen; spil; voorzet; voorzetten; vulling; zich concentreren
research nasporing; onderzoek; onderzoeken; onderzoeking; onderzoekingen doen; research; speurwerk