Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord research team

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(exploration; investigation); ; ;
(examine; explore; investigate; prospect; survey; study; check out);
🔗 If the desire is to read the Deseret alphabet for research purposes, then the first three chapters are all that is needed.
; ;
🔗 The men’s team failed to qualify.
(detachment; force; squad; unit; shift);
🔗 To confirm the findings, Hazen’s team tested another batch of blood samples from more than 2,100 people in the United States and an additional 833 samples gathered by colleagues in Europe through 2018.

research team researchteam
research nasporing; onderzoek; onderzoeken; onderzoeking; onderzoekingen doen; research; speurwerk
team bespanning; elftal; equipe; groep; ploeg; span; team