Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord rule of conduct

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(direct; guide; head; lead; drive; show the way);
(guide; lead; channel; wage; bring; drive; show; usher); ;
(behaviour; deportment; comportment);
🔗 Make certain that they influence your conduct.
(steering; management)
(direct; guide; manage; steer; drive; head; lead; refer; address);
(carry through; implement; secure; accomplish; achieve; carry out); ;
tot stand brengen
; ; ; ;
(produce; effect; engineer; implement; realize); ; ;
(do; carry out; commit; perform; wage)
🔗 Tom, not his real name, is one of the students who conducted his own experiment using ChatGPT.
🔗 Our discussion might better be conducted in private, if you have no objection.
(control; reign; governance; regulation; ruling; ascendancy; ascendance); ; ; ;
🔗 Most people we spoke to accepted the army takeover that has almost—but not quite yet—put an end to the 37‐year rule of president Mugabe.
(govern; reign; be in power);
🔗 Still, we can rule in tandem as equals.
🔗 The rules for pronunciation of letters are not the same in Danish as in English.
(judge; try; adjudge; adjudicate); ;

rule of conduct gedragsregel
conduct aanvoeren; aanvoering; behandeling; beheren; beleid; besturen; dirigeren; doen; gedrag; geleiden; handel en wandel; houden; houding; leiden; leiding; levenswijze; optreden; redigeren; uitbaten; voeren; wandel
rule beheersen; beheersing; beslissen; beslissing; besturen; bestuur; bewind; gewoonte; heerschappij; heersen; heersen over; het bewind voeren; het bewind voeren over; levensregel; lijnen; liniaal; liniëren; maatstaf; maatstok; meetlat; norm; overheersing; regel; regeren; regering; streep; streepje; trekken; vaste gewoonte; voorschrift