Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord see the back of

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(reverse; reverse side); ;
🔗 On their backs, under the shields, were leather bags of provisions.
(reverse; reverse side);
malantaŭa flanko
🔗 Quickly he went to the back of the barn.
malantaŭa parto
🔗 They’re coming in the back!
(outstanding; overdue; unpaid)
veturi malantaŭen
(backward; on one’s back; backwards)
(protect; cover); ; ;
(reversal; reverse)
(at the back)
aan de achterkant
; ;
(rear; later; after)
(behind; aback; aft; in back; at the back; in the back); ; ; ;
(backwards; backward; behind; aft; aback);
(backbone; spine; rachis; spinal column);
(prop; support; buttress; rest; strut; stanchion)
(cover; overlay; lag; plate; protect; face; coat; invest);
(go back; reverse; go backwards; stand back)
🔗 After 10 years of being blind, a 78‐year‐old Israeli man can see again after receiving the first successful artificial cornea transplant.
(call on; visit);
🔗 I was on my way to see you and I have found you a full two day’s march sooner than I expected.
(care; take care; be concerned; be anxious);
zorg dragen
🔗 See that I am not disturbed.
(be aware of; be conscious of; realize; appreciate)
(consider; take into account; ponder; reflect; debate); ; ; ;
🔗 The Union of Utrecht is seen as the foundation of the modern Netherlands.
(deem; opine; think; feel; hold; reckon; believe; find); ; ; ; ;
🔗 If you’re interested in running PHP on Windows, see Chapter 15, which explains your many options.
🔗 But now they seem unable to see they are siding with the aggressor because that aggressor is not the West, but Russia.
🔗 Three sisters are convinced they saw a big cat while out for a country walk.
🔗 I saw him a little while ago.
🔗 If I see you do it then, perhaps, I can do it.

see the back of weg zien gaan
back achterhoedespeler; achterkant; achterligger; achterom; achterpand; achterspeler; achterstallig; achteruit; achteruitgaan; achteruitrijden; achteruitschuiven; achterwaarts; achterzij; achterzijde; achter‐; afgelegen; back; berijden; doen achteruitgaan; endosseren; geleden; keerzij; keerzijde; krimpen; leuning; naar achteren; ommezij; ommezijde; ondersteunen; oud; reeds; rug; ruggen; rugpand; rugzijde; staan achter; steunen; tegen‐; terug; teruggaan; wedden op
see aanschouwen; aartsbisdom; aartsbisschopszetel; begrijpen; beleven; bezoeken; bisdom; bisschopszetel; brengen; ervoor zorgen; inzien; kijken; meemaken; ontvangen; opzoeken; raadplegen; signaleren; snappen; spreken; te woord staan; vatten; zien