Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord the real thing

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(actual; practical); ; ;
🔗 His real objection to countries joining NATO is that he will no longer be able to invade them successfully.
(considerable; sizeable; significant; substantial; appreciable; worthy of consideration); ; ; ;
(true; genuine; legitimate; positive); ;
🔗 Are you a real witch?
🔗 Products are increasingly available in Caracas for those who can pay for them in dollars or other foreign currencies, like euros, Colombian pesos or Brazilian reals.
(article; object; subject); ;
(item; something; stuff; object);
🔗 It was an odd thing Tam had taught him.
(matter; case; issue; question)
🔗 Stranger things have happened.

the real thing je ware
real echt; effectief; eigenlijk; feitelijk; heus; reaal; reëel; waar; werkelijk; wezenlijk; zakelijk
thing ding; geval; object; toestand; voorwerp; zaak