Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord tile

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 He had taken to bathing in the small hours of the morning, when the big, tiled pools were empty of people, after he discovered that at any other time a woman might well climb into the water with him.
(roof tile);
🔗 Surely none of his companions, lying on their bellies with their masked faces pressed to the mosaic tiles, would have spoken, but it was not the voice he expected from…
🔗 A few scorch marks marred its walls, but the red roof tiles glittered in the sunlight as brightly as ever.

tile betegelen; dakpan; dekken; met pannen dekken; pan; tegel; tegeltje; tichel; tichelsteen
Dutch tile blauw tegeltje
have a tile loose niet goed bij het hoofd zijn; niet goed snik zijn
have a tile off niet goed snik zijn
mosaic tile mozaïektegel
on the tiles aan de zwier
out on the tiles aan de zwier
roofing tile dakpan
tile tableau tegeltableau
floor‐tile vloertegel
pantile dakpan
paving‐tile plavuis; vloersteen; vloertegel
tile‐kiln ticheloven
tile‐maker tegelbakker; tichelbakker
tiler dakdekker; dekker; pannendekker; tegelzetter
tiles tegelwerk
tile‐works pannenbakkerij; tegelbakkerij
tiling betegeling; dekken; pannendak