Nederlands–Engels woordenboek

Engelse vertaling van het Nederlandse woord turf‐

Nederlands → Engels
NederlandsEngels (indirect vertaald)Esperanto

turf block of peat; lump of peat; peat; square of peat; tome; turf
turf‐ peaty
as is verbrande turf if ifs and ans were pots and pans
baggelaarsturf dredged peat
baggelaarturf dredged peat
turfachtig peaty; turfy
turfgraver peat‐digger
turfschip peat‐boat
turfschuit peat‐boat
turfsteker peat‐cutter
turfstrooisel moss‐litter; peat‐litter
turven notch; score; mark in fives