English–Danish dictionary

Danish translation of the English word come along!

English → Danish
EnglishDanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
come along
(assemble; congregate; gather; meet; convene)
(according to; by; following; from; after; in accordance with; per)
i henhold til
🔗 Ukrainian forces have achieved their biggest breakthrough in the country’s south since Russia invaded, pushing across Russian lines on Monday and advancing along the Dnieper river, recapturing a number of villages along the way and threatening supply lines for thousands of Russian troops.
(derive; originate; result; stem; spring)
🔗 I came to be alone.
🔗 I’ve come to live with you.

come along! kom nu!
come along komme med
along ad; af sted; hen ad; langs; med
come ankomme; komme