English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word gather dust

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(assemble; raise)
🔗 What he had gathered already would have to do, he decided.
(induce; infer; conclude; find);
(assemble; congregate; meet; convene; come along);
🔗 The Kremlin‐installed leaders of the four Ukrainian regions, and their officials, have gathered in the Russian capital for the ceremony.
(assemble; collect; rally);
(amass; heap; pile up; stack; accumulate; collect; pile); ; ;
(accumulate; crowd; mass; pile up)
🔗 Back at the water’s edge, a small crowd has gathered at the medical tent.
; ; ; ;
🔗 It ruled that the three rejected candidates had failed to gather 10,000 valid signatures.

gather dust stoffig worden
gather afleiden; bijeenbrengen; bijeenzamelen; bijeenzoeken; bundelen; inwinnen; inzamelen; lezen; oogsten; opdoen; ophalen; opmaken; plooien; plukken; rapen; rimpelen; samenballen; samenkomen; samenscholen; samentrekken; vergaderen; vergaren; verzamelen; zamelen; zich samenpakken; zich samentrekken; zich verzamelen