English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word hornpipe

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(hooter; klaxon);
🔗 A lawyer for Jacob Chansley, an Arizona man who wore horns, animal skin and face paint while carrying a spear and entering the Senate chamber, said Trump should do the “honourable thing and pardon those of his peaceful followers who accepted the president’s invitation”.
🔗 “I could do with a pipe,” Tam said slowly, “and a mug of ale where it’s warm.”
(barrel; tube; stem);
(straw); ;

hornpipe horlepijp
horn aanbeeldpunt; claxon; drinkhoorn; hoorn; hoornen; horen; sirene; toeter; van hoorns voorzien; voelhoorn; voelhoren
pipe buis; buisleiding; door buizen leiden; fluit; fluiten; fluitsignaal; gefluit; geleiding; leiding; luchtpijp; met biezen versieren; piepen; pijp; pijpen; signaal; van buizen voorzien