English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word paternal authority

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 It was so comprehensive and accurate that it quickly became the final authority on all questions of correct usage.
(authoritative source; court; agency; body; instance)
🔗 Instead, his surroundings depressed him, and he frequently wrote to a friend in Albany of plans to leave the paternal roof.

paternal authority vaderlijke macht
authority aanzien; autoriteit; bewijsplaats; gezag; gezagdrager; gezagsdrager; instantie; invloed; macht; machtiging; openbaar lichaam; overheid; overheidspersoon; zegsman
paternal vaderlijk; vaders‐; vader‐; van vaderskant; van vaderszijde