English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word sink like a stone

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(bore; broach; strike; tap)
🔗 The sun sank into the clouds.
doen zinken
🔗 In the space of two hours half of the overloaded ships of Lyonesse and Dascinet were either sunk or broken on the rocks, with a loss of two thousand men.
(descend; go down; drop; lower oneself); ; ;
(clay; earthen; earthenware);
van klei
(metalled; stony; adamant)
🔗 Crouched against the stone wall, he listened.
🔗 A stone, coming from nowhere, crashed into the ground at his feet.
(core; kernel; pit; gist; nub; pith; crux)
🔗 He was dragged outside the city and stoned to death.
🔗 A long time ago he told me he weighed 16 stone.

sink like a stone zinken als een baksteen
sink aanboren; achteruitgaan; afnemen; bezinken; bezwijken; boren; dalen; doen zinken; gootsteen; graven; graveren; in de grond boren; laten dalen; laten hagen; laten zakken; neerlaten; neerzinken; te gronde gaan; tot zinken brengen; vallen; verflauwen; verzakken; verzinken; zakken; zinken; óndergaan
stone <gewichtsmaat>; gesteente; met stenen gooien naar; ontpitten; pit; steen; steentje; stenen; stenigen; van pitten ontdoen