English–German dictionary

German translation of the English word beyond repair

English → German
EnglishGerman (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(farther; further; farther afield)
(by; past; behind)
über … hinaus
🔗 Here it was possible to forget the chill beyond the walls.
(across; on the other side of; over; to the other side of; on this other side of);
(further; more; on; anymore; moe)
; ; ;
(above; over; up);
(apart from; besides; in addition to; as well as; aside from; beside; but; except)
; ;
abgesehen von
🔗 Beyond most Democrats backing impeachment, as they did when the House impeached Trump in 2019, there appear to be several Republicans who may vote in favour of impeaching the president.
wieder gutmachen
(fix; mend)

beyond repair nicht mehr zu reparieren
beyond außerhalb; darüber hinaus; jenseit; jenseits; über … hinaus
repair Reparatur; ausbessern; reparieren; richten; wieder gutmachen