Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord boat

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 The question is, does he have a boat there?
rock the boat
(oppose; object; be opposed; be opposed to; go against; impede)
(ship’s boat; shallop; sloop; launch)
🔗 There are no speedboats on the water, the streets and beaches are empty and there are very few tourists
🔗 Tugboats were deployed to assist the tanker, which is under United States sanctions for assisting Russian forces in Syria, after the attack rendered it incapable of operating on its own, Russia’s Tass news agency reported.

boat bevaren; boot; kom; per boot vervoeren; roeien; sauskom; schip; schuit; schuitje; schuitjevaren; sloep; uit varen gaan; varen; zeilen
be in the same boat in hetzelfde schuitje zitten
boat children schipperskinderen
boat journey bootreis
boat neck boothals
boat people bootvluchtelingen
boat’s length bootslengte
boat train boottrein
by boat met de boot
cargo boat vrachtboot; vrachtschip; vrachtvaarder
fire boat blusboot; blusvaartuig
have an oar in every man’s boat overal zijn neus insteken
mail boat postboot
paddle boat raderboot
pedal boat waterfiets
pleasure boat plezierboot
power boat motorboot
push boat duwboot
rescue boat reddingsboot
rock the boat dwarsliggen
sailing boat zeilboot
take to the boats in de boten gaan
boat‐deck sloependek
boat‐excursion boottocht
boathook bootshaak; pikhaak; schippershaak
boathouse boothuis; botenhuis; schuitehuis
boating roeien; roeisport; spelevaren
boat‐race roeiwedstrijd
boat‐shaped schuitvormig
boat‐trip bootreis; boottocht
bumboat kadraaier; parlevink; parlevinker
butter‐boat botervlootje
cattle‐boat veeboot
cock‐boat jol
ferry‐boat overzetboot; pont; pontveer; veer; veerboot; veerpont
fishing‐boat botter; pink; vissersboot; vissersschuit
flying‐boat vliegboot
gunboat kanonneerboot
houseboat woonark; woonboot; woonschip
ice‐boat ijsbreker
jolly‐boat jol
life‐boat reddingboot; reddingsboot
longboat barkas; sloep
motor‐boat motorboot
mud‐boat modderschuit
night‐boat nachtboot; nachtschuit
packet‐boat pakketboot
peat‐boat turfschip; turfschuit
pilot‐boat loodsboot
rowing‐boat pieremachochel; roeiboot
sailboat zeilboot
sauce‐boat sauskom
speedboat raceboot; speedboot
steamboat stoomboot
swing‐boat luchtschommel
torpedo‐boat torpedoboot
towboat duwboot; jaagschuit; trekschuit
tugboat sleepboot; sleper
U‐boat duikboot; onderzeeboot; onderzeeër