Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord cold chills

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 All the while, like a chill on the air, Suldrun felt the careful attention of her father, to such an extent that she began to lose her composure.
schrikwekkend maken
(frighten; alarm; intimidate; scare; startle; affright; daunt); ; ; ; ; ;
vrees aanjagen
(bleak; chilly; cold);
🔗 Jubal responded in a voice as calm and chill as her own.

cold chills koude rillingen
chill afkoelen; beklemmen; bekoelen; doen bekoelen; huiverig; kil; kilheid; koel; koelen; koelheid; koud; koud maken; koud worden; koude; koude rilling; laten bevriezen; verkillen; verkoelen; verkoeling; verkoudheid