Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord take care of the pennies

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(see; take care; be concerned; be anxious)
(attend; nurse; tend to); ;
zorgen voor
(appreciate; like; enjoy; love; prize); ; ; ; ;
🔗 I do not care to talk to you, or anyone else.
🔗 The pound has particularly struggled, however, and the euro rose to as high as 87.71 pence on Friday, its highest level since February 2021.
🔗 Russia’s currency plunged by about 25% Monday, and one rouble is now worth less than a penny.

take care of the pennies op de kleintjes letten
care acht; behartiging; bekommernis; beslommering; bezorgdheid; erom geven; geleide; hoede; hoofdbreken; hoofdbrekens; oppassing; verzorging; voorwerp van zorg; voorzichtigheid; zorg; zorgen
penny cent; penning; penny; stuiver