Dictionnaire anglais–français

Traduction française du mot anglais northern

anglais → français
anglaisfrançais (traduit indirectement)espéranto
great northern diver
plongeon huard
plongeon imbrin
granda kolimbo
northern blue flag
(harlequin blue flag; larger blue flag; blue flag; poison flag; purple iris)
iris versicolore
northern bobwhite
(Virginia quail)
colin de Virginie
northern grysbok
(Sharpe’s grysbok; Sharpe’s grysbuck; northern grysbuck)
raphicère de Sharpe
norda raficero
northern highbush blueberry
(blue huckleberry; tall huckleberry; swamp huckleberry; high huckleberry; high blueberry; swamp blueberry)
grande myrtille
myrtille américaine
myrtille arbustive
northern lights
(aurora borealis)
aurore boréale
(common minke whale);
petit rorqual de l’Atlantique Nord
northern mocking‐bird
moqueur polyglotte
norda mokturdo
northern pine
(eastern white pine; northern white pine; white pine; soft pine; Weymouth pine)
pin blanc
pin de Weymouth
pin du Lord
northern red oak
(red oak; champion oak)
chêne rouge d’Amérique
northern scrub pine
(jack pine; grey pine; Banksian pine; Hudson Bay pine; Banks pine; princess pine; eastern jack pine)
pin gris
northern shoveller
canard souchet
northern water‐hemlock
ciguë aquatique
ciguë vireuse
northern water‐vole
(European water‐vole; water rat)
campagnol terrestre
grand campagnol
rat taupier
northern wheatear
traquet motteux
(northward; northwards; up north; to the north)
au nord
🔗 Was the advance north too easy?

great northern diver huart à collier; plongeon huard; plongeon imbrin; richepaume
northern blue flag clajeux; iris versicolore
northern bobwhite colin de Virginie
northern highbush blueberry corymbelle; grande myrtille; myrtille américaine; myrtille arbustive
northern minke whale baleine de Minke; petit rorqual de l’Atlantique Nord
northern mocking‐bird moqueur polyglotte
northern red oak chêne rouge d’Amérique
northern shoveller canard souchet
northern water‐hemlock ciguë aquatique; ciguë vireuse
northern water‐vole campagnol terrestre; grand campagnol; rat taupier
northern wheatear traquet motteux
north nord

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